Sunday, February 24, 2008

Things you can't do with one hand

Yeah, I'm still whining about my limited use of my hands. I'm not really a sit-and-watch-TV kind of person. I usually sketch or sew or fiddle with something if the TV is on so I'm about to go crazier than I already am.

Cooking is do-able but a real chore so I'm making casseroles, one dish meals I can pop in the oven. Yesterday I tried to do too much by putting a rubber glove over my brace and for that I paid dearly last night. Seems rubber only kept it dry. Who knew?

So here is my current list:
  • open a can, really open anything
  • slice anything hard
  • lift anything hot from the oven (just don't ask)
  • hold a newborn baby
Floss teeth was on that list but I found these nifty little "floss bows" that do the trick. For a while I was going au natural until I was asked if breasts can go feral, like cats. So, I've mastered getting my bra on without twenty minutes of rolling around on the bed; though I still need my darling companion to unhook me.

One positive is I'm reminded how much my husband does care for me. Friday at the market, after I closed the car trunk with my keys inside, I believe they fell out of my braced-hand unnoticed, my darling stopped what he was working on and came to unlock the trunk. No scowl, no lecture; just a hug. I must remember that.

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