Saturday, October 11, 2008

What to do on Fridays

Once a week for the past fifteen weeks I've been getting on the Metrolink and heading for downtown Los Angeles. Friday this was officially over. Oh, I can still get on the Metrolink and head downtown but the government wont subsidize the trip. I met some interesting people, learned some scary facts about the criminals in California, and had a near-life changing experience. All in all it was worth it. I paid attention to each case because I felt I was there to protect the citizen they were trying to take to trial. I hope I'm never on the other side.

Now, I have Fridays free to do what I want. Of course with the crappy economy I might want to go back to work. If I did I would find something on the train line because I still think it's the best way to go. We need to increase our ridership on public transportation where we can and it would be a second tragedy if people stopped riding because of the accident.

It's been a month since the wreck and I can't say I didn't think about it each time I boarded the train but people go on. Because our last court sessions were shorter I didn't have the opportunity to ride the 111 home and that worried me. Was I afraid? Friday I stayed with a friend from court and had a farewell lunch then walked to Union Station and caught the 111 home. It's good to know things about yourself.

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