Friday, December 08, 2006

Good or bad, it's a warm feeling

It is a lovely day here, 88 I think and the wind has died down a bit, well, enough for me to walk about a quarter of a mile to Von's. Damn if I didn't forget something my last trip out and just couldn't think of getting into the car again so I hoofed it; I can use the exercise and my car the rest.

Walking is a good time to see the sights in your neighborhood--oh I wish they'd left their shades down on that house--and to think, I was thinking of my Christmas shopping and what else I needed to do. I was almost done but I now need to buy presents for a family of five children. Our car club donates to charities and they needed some extra shoppers. I'm looking forward to this challenge as we have no little ones to buy for these days. I also need to do some final baking but it's too warm today to make peanut brittle.

Outside the Von's was my favorite bell-ringer, John. John lives nearby and this time of year he works for the Salvation Army. I always put something in his little red kettle if for no other reason than to have him smile at me. He's wheelchair bound but beams when someone walks by and always says, "thanks, luv and have a great day." John has a charming British accent and I've never seen him not smile.

Seeing John got me thinking about the Salvation Army so I had a look at their website when I got home. So techy they are, they have a virtual kettle and I signed up to be a host. My mom was a great volunteer and this is what she had to say about volunteering:

Volunteering is like wetting your pants in a dark suit, no one knows you've done it but it gives you a warm feeling.

I'd never ask for money here on my blog, other do but I do this for fun, not for a job, but I am asking you to take the time and plunk a buck or two in my kettle. It's not for me but for my neighbors and your neighbors and for that good warm feeling you'll get.

My Online Red Kettle

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